
After long time of… desire… I ordered an used T430, for a bit below 100 euro. It seemed in a good state, had SSD, and 1600x900 screen, so, seemed good enough for that price. Albeit no battery, but I don’t need one.

Now I am excited, waiting. Though, still not sure, if I will slap NixOS on it, or maybe go wild, and maybe… Guix, or OpenBSD.

And maybe I will use that as excuse to finally poke keyboard-oriented web browsers as well, e.g Nyxt, qutebrowser, but will see

Caan’tttt waittttt

  • You said you don’t need a battery, do you already have one or are you always using it plugged in? And if you’re always using it plugged in why not a desktop?

    Not at critique at all you just piqued my curiosity. I’m excited cause you got a new toy.

    •  Nyoelle   ( ) OP
      58 months ago

      I already have a desktop, but… So, in bed… I have socket right next to me. No problem. Uni? There is always a free socket.

      Like, I probably will get a battery somewhere down the line, it is just, not a requirement or priority at the moment