This question is especially for people who have joined in the last week. Have you used other fediverse platforms or is this your first time really using one? What do you think of it so far? Are you aware that you can comment on Lemmy posts with a Mastodon account?

  • Mastodon was my first, although this feels way more polished for sure. What I liked about Reddit is that you go there for the topics you care about, posted by people you don’t care about. Mastodon and most other social media is people you care about, posting things you don’t care about. I think I’ll stick around here…

    Edit: I have also used Matrix, but don’t really have anyone to chat with on it… it was tough enough getting some friends and my family on Signal lol

    • I tried mastodon, saw it was like twitter and left it well alone lol. Lemmy feels much more reddit like and reddit was the only social media I used.

      I think the way you phrased your comment was perfect. I only hope my favourite subs (or very similar) make an appearance