The first I’ve heard of this platform is when it’s shutting down… might be why it did.

  • Crazy to me that they’d shut down instead of going open source and integrating with the fediverse. Doesn’t even seem like a good business move as offering hosting for other companies and professional groups seems like a good market opportunity in a world where businesses even dislike Twitter.

    Edit: for example, offer gitlab like service but for social media.

    • Wouldn’t even need to open source - they could have joined the fediverse as closed source, offering a platform to those people who are apparently scared away by anything with a permissive license.

      Then again, these people are probably more eager to be on bluesky.

    •  max   ( ) 
      138 months ago

      I think the whole step to integrate with the fediverse would have taken too much time and too many resources. Seems like a massive rewrite of the codebase to me, if it wasn’t taken into account from the very start.