These conservative snowflakes would be hilarious if they weren’t also terrifying :/

  •  millie   ( ) 
    128 months ago

    I picked up some lady in my cab once and after a while me being trans came up. She seemed to be under the impression that most trans people are forced to go on hormones somehow and was glad that my taking them was by choice rather than compulsory.

    I don’t know where these people get this shit. Sinclair, presumably.

      • Well, like the joke goes, 50% of the population is dumber than the average. While humans can be really clever, we can also be absolutely fantastically dim.

        (Disclaimer before anyone chimes in and says that’s not how averages work: intelligence as a trait – and I don’t mean IQ but intelligence in general, however you define it – is more than likely normally distributed, which means the average is also the median.)

        •  prole   ( ) 
          28 months ago

          Wasn’t intending on discussing this kind of thing, but I’m not sure this:

          intelligence as a trait – and I don’t mean IQ but intelligence in general, however you define it – is more than likely normally distributed

          Is true.

          IQ is normally distributed, but I’m not sure what evidence there is that intelligence in general is. I’m not even sure how one would go about proving that.

          • Well you probably wouldn’t be able to directly prove it since defining a metric for it is nontrivial (and IQ’s got its own well known problems as a proxy for intelligence), but a huge chunk of psychological and cognitive traits, and not to mention other biological traits like height or whatever, are normally distributed, so I’d be really surprised if intelligence wasn’t. I’m not out to prove it since I’m not writing an article for a journal, but I do think it’s incredibly likely for the distribution to be normal.

            And, I mean, what are the options? A skewed distribution? I sure hope it’s skewed so that there’s more intelligent people. Or a multimodal distribution? How would that even happen? Etc. etc.

    • They get that shit from the same place where they get the shit that all of us queers are pedophiles.

      Conservatives can’t admit that they hate us and “woke” people in general just because we don’t conform to their rigid ideas about how things should be, so they have to come up with and spread all sorts of completely ridiculous lies to justify their hate. They don’t want to see themselves as the bigots they are, so it’s nicer to have some “proper” reason for wanting to literally fucking murder us.

      Generally conservatism attracts people who aren’t “cognitively equipped” to deal with complex situations. Their ideology emphasizes strict hierarchies and roles because they need a simplified and predictable society so they can function. That’s why conservatives literally fear people and things that are different from what their mental model says they should be; being different makes them unpredictable, and possibly a threat. Ditto for why they usually cling to very literalist interpretations of their religions.

      And I’m not just pulling this out of my ass either, there’s tons of research on it. See eg. this list for sources

    •  Ada   ( ) 
      18 months ago

      If I was to take a forgiving interpretation of her comment, her comment could be a misunderstanding of the era of stronger binary gatekeeping for trans folk, when you had to be high femme, cis passing, straight etc to gain access to HRT.