• “By their own admission” doesn’t necessarily hold any weight, though. They’re not experts, and even if they were experts they can still be wrong. We’ve got treatments for a variety of psychological disorders these days, with varying efficacy, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect that someday we’ll make progress on this sort of thing too.

    • If we have the tech to change people’s brains in such a way, what else will it gets used on? Ethically, there’s differences between pedophilia and other sexual preferences but I don’t know if there’s any biological differences. Given conversion camps are already a problem despite not working, I can’t see how they wouldn’t become a bigger problem if they did actually do what they claimed…

    • You have offenders saying if you let me out I will do it again you don’t think they are experts on their own feelings or behaviour), just like pscyhopaths some can’t be fixed. As the word suggests pedophile means loving kids. While some are just nasty ass people, many see it as their sexual orientation (still nasty to harm kids obviously). Like being straighr or being gay. it can be hard wired. i’m sure with early intervention before 7 you might fix deviation or at least teach restraint from acting in it… but they have formed a concrete ldentity. I think larger strides will be made by protecting kids from sexual abuse at an early age than therapy after the fact trying to fix brain wiring