• Why are there so many comments that start with “@five”? I feel like there’s something about how the site works that I’m misunderstanding. Isn’t the user who posted the article automatically notified when someone posts a comment?

      •  Five   ( @Five@slrpnk.net ) OP
        168 months ago

        That’s correct. @aral@mastodon.ar.al discovered and boosted the post, and it snowballed across the Tootiverse. They’re all pinging @Five because that’s how Mastodon does post replies.

          •  dan   ( @dan@upvote.au ) 
            98 months ago

            It’s somewhat annoying but also really interesting that the two interop relatively well due to their use of a common protocol (ActivityPub). I mean imagine Twitter users being able to browse and comment on Reddit posts directly on Twitter - that’s essentially what’s happening.

            It’s probably not too difficult to modify Lemmy to hide mentions that are at the start of a comment, which would solve the issue.