•  bermuda   ( @bermuda@beehaw.org ) 
        28 months ago

        It got less popular as an image sharing tool. Some people (myself included) used it for photography still but most people used it as social media and for texting. A lot of people I knew had Instagram accounts with 0 posts but extensive stories and who were part of huge group chats.

        • Ha, ok. I don’t use IG much; I follow a few animal-related accounts and use it pretty randomly. My running joke is that the influencers I follow are all raccoons.

          I wasn’t even aware it has a messaging feature before a friend of mine said something like “hey I sent you a message about XYZ on Instagram, didn’t you notice?” and I was like “…Instagram has messaging?” 😅

    • Not to be an ass, but youre 20 so you arent one of “The Kids” anymore lmao. Youre an adult now. I think your point definitely still stands though. Im only slightly older than you and when I was in highschool virtually everyone had IG, Snapchat and Twitter. I dont talk to anyone in the highschool age bracket but I think they probably still use IG/Snap/Twitter (or X if you prefer).

      •  bermuda   ( @bermuda@beehaw.org ) 
        68 months ago

        I said I’m 20 because it’s been only 2 years since I experienced that. My brother who is 17 has an instagram.

        p.s., saying “not to be an ass” doesn’t suddenly make anything following that not sound like you being an ass.