This question was inspired by my hatred of Temporal Anti-Aliasing which, in many games nowadays, is poorly used as a performance bandaid. On lower resolutions it will smudge and blur the image and certain bad cases of TAA will cause visible ghosting.

Yet in spite of all this, certain games won’t let you turn it off or have hair/fur/foliage look like dogshit without it so sometimes I still use it.

      • I just had to help convert an old undocumented JS project to TS too. Fortunately had some help from 2 other devs but it was still a nightmare. Tons of intertwined code responsibilities that we shaped up back into lanes, and broke out a metric ton of interfaces from.

        It’s much better now and has comments everywhere. It’s also earned the company record profits recently, so now I can point to it for the C-suite.

    • Just within software development:

      • JS (I’m using TS everywhere now).
      • Php (old project I’m hoping we’re getting rid of).
      • VB (old code was somewhy written in VB).
      • MySQL (feels like Oracle doesnt really care about its C# connectors).
      • SQL-queries directly in code (I’m pushing as hard as I can for any kind of ORM, but somehow my fellow devs doesnt find it as practical).