Right now, I’m playing the early access version of Baldurs Gate 3. I’m getting ready to put it down (frustrated: BG3 has the potential to be good, but without controller support, I’m getting really frustrated with the UI. ) and switch to Yakuza Like a Dragon.

What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing next?

  • I’m addicted to it on the deck. It runs fine, between 30 and 45 fps.

    Generally, DS is absolutely worth the cost of entry, especially if you’re bored of conventional gameplay loops. However, the building mechanics are not particularly exciting in thier own right. The most innovate part of building is the odd, shared world aspect of it.

    DS is more about wrapping a very satisfying hiking simulator in a metal gear esc, beautiful, positive, horror, action rpg with passive cooperative online features.