Billionaire Joseph Edelman has been accused of donating huge sums to anti-trans groups which have affected US laws.

      •  apis   ( ) 
        711 months ago

        Kinda yes, kinda no.

        Average human is often vile, but most have never had a single thought about trans stuff besides maybe (if they came across it at all) “that’s a bit odd & I don’t really get it but sounds kinda difficult”.

        They’re already the chunk of the population which tends heavily toward simplistic fantasies in the face of uncertainty & change, so even though the transphobic tend to be those with the mental wherewithal to fret about things besides their immediate material conditions, they don’t have any meaningful resilience to assess the safety or threat of any difference nor, more importantly, a sense of how to be in themselves. Like bullies, they’ll move to stamp anyone that demonstrates that the “rules” are not even guidelines.

        They’re gross but I feel pain that they feel as badly about other humans as they do.

        • I disagree. Im my experience the “average” person (at least in the us) does think about trans people, they think of us as a joke they see in sitcoms or movies. “Man in a dress hahahahah”

          That is honestly how the majority of people see the issue and they are bad people for it.