• Anyone still on Twitter (who doesn’t absolutely need to be on Twitter for their job) must either enjoy harassing others or somehow enjoy being harassed?

    I have no clue why anyone who isn’t a right-wing dingbat would use Twitter for fun or whatever. It’s so not fun to be on a platform run by a little manbaby, for a little manbaby.

    • Authors and others whose main method of self-promotion has been Twitter have probably been motivated to stick around. While alternatives exist, when your goal is getting your name and work in front of the maximum number of eyes, it really matters that Twitter is still more populated and thus better for discovery than other platforms.

      • I think that falls into the “necessary for your job” exception. Even authors who don’t want to be in a pro-Nazi platform will be nagged into it by agents and publishers… at least for now. Maybe when Elon goes full alt-reich that’ll change.

    • who doesn’t absolutely need to be on Twitter for their job

      does this include journalists who would need to actually write articles instead of just embedding 10 tweets and writing a couple linking sentences

    • Reasons I’m still on Twitter:

      1. Porn
      2. I follow a lot of sex workers because I support sex workers and sex worker rights and, unfortunately, Twitter is the only platform left for sex workers (Thank you Kamala Harris & SESTA/FOSTA!)
      3. It’s still a good place to quickly hear about breaking news like mass shootings or whatever