For me it feels like breaking up with someone after many years. At the same time, I feel a bit dirty mentioning the name in the post title.

    • So many times in the past few months I would open reddit, stare at rhr uninteresting front page and close it. Especially the past few years it has taken an astronomical nosedive, and that’s coming from someone who joined in 2013 which some consider too late.

    • I’ve been thinking that for a while. I really miss the old feel of reddit. I recently opened it up in and the content just had a different feel back when I first joined. Also fun seeing the old news stories.

    • It has felt pretty toxic more recently. Often I’d see something and end up just leaving to do something else, I’ve been describing it as the “two-minutes hate” internally for a while now.

      There are some good communities and I’ve done a good job of trimming what I subscribe to, but that “popular” button is too tempting.

    • Reddit hasn’t really been the same for a long time anyways.

      This is true. But what we’re losing isn’t Reddit in its current form. But the history. I was looking at my saved posts. Just remembering why I saved them over the years. Some became Redditlore. Others are stories, poems, artworks that meant so much to me at that given time of my life. I’m thinking about deleting my account, and these will all be gone. I might download them, but realistically, I will not go back to and look through them as I would now. It is not just saying goodbye to Reddit but a small/big part of many people’s lives.