The Biden administration requested Israel detail the thinking and process behind the recent strike on the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Northern Gaza, according to a U.S. official, who like others was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations.

“The U.S. asked for an explanation of the first [attack] on Jabalia,” said the official, adding that the conversation was in the context of “asking Israel to do more to avoid civilian casualties.”

  • Israeli forces have already released explanations regarding these strikes to the press:

    First strike:

    An Israel Defense Forces statement said the strike on Jabalia, Gaza’s largest refugee camp, had killed Ibrahim Biari. It said he was a ringleader of what it called the “murderous terror attack” on Oct. 7.

    Second strike:

    The Israeli military said its fighter jets struck a Hamas command and control complex in Jabalia “based on precise intelligence,” killing the head of the Islamist group’s anti-tank missile unit, Muhammad A’sar.
    “Hamas deliberately builds its terror infrastructure under, around and within civilian buildings, intentionally endangering Gazan civilians,” an Israeli statement said.

    It seems like the US wants some press showing they are concerned, I would be surprised if they didn’t already know exactly what is happening and why.

    • I only hire murders to watch my children, said the man who lost his loved ones to the famous family murderer. When asked why the man relayed that “his CV was quite impressive and he provided references.”

      • I’ve re read your comment multiple times and I still can’t figure out what you’re trying to say. Don’t like what the above commenter is saying? Prove him wrong then.

        • Apologies for your lack of comprehension. I think the material of “his” statements and the context of mine already does that. So sorry you don’t understand, but don’t feel bad, I’m sure you’re great at lots of things!

          • This is a country teaching young children that all Jews must be exterminated. Not Israelis, Jews. This country is ran by a group who openly call for the extermination of all Jews and are willing to hide in areas designated for civilians for protection. Everything I have said is fact and I can prove to you easily. Why then, are you talking down to someone providing more evidence and context? Israel said they targeted these area because Hamas leaders were hiding there. What Israeli leaders were hiding at the rave on oct. 7th? Why are you so hostile to anyone providing nuance to this conflict? I see you constantly belittling anyone who tries to provide explanations for Israel’s motives. The guy you were talking down to didn’t even say anything pro Israel, he just offered their explanation. Instead of being an asshole to people that go against your narrative, how about you provide them with proof that they are wrong??

            • “There was a particular bad guy near them” and “they all probably have bad opinions about Jews” are not sufficient justifications for indiscriminately bombing innocent people. What if there had been an Israeli leader at that rave? People in both refugee camps and at a music event should be able to exist without fear that they’ll die because they were near the wrong person. One seems to provoke a different reaction than the other for some reason though, and that might be worth thinking about.

              • As far as I understand it your on the nose. There’s no fair excuse for attacking civilian populations to attain war goals. Not hostages, not music fests, not camps, not hospitals. The cost of war is the price of lives you put on the line to kill selectively. Indiscriminate slaughter in the name of “justice” makes you just as bad as your enemy, and as the casualties and cruelties stack, potentially worse. Yeah?

              • You are exactly right. Hamas knows what they are doing, and it’s working perfectly. A close friend was quite literally handed a pamphlet at work today called “The Jews and their lies”. I don’t even know any Jewish people and even I can tell what Hamas’s end game is.

              • Here is evidence of Hamas telling Palestinians to stay put

                Here is evidence of Israel giving 24 hours notice before bombing and saying that the bombings will not stop until all hostages are released

                Here is evidence that neighboring countries do not want Palestinian refugees

                Here is evidence of why neighboring countries don’t want Palestinian refugees

                All this evidence is painting a very complicated picture. One that shouldn’t be fought over like a sports game.

                • Here is evidence of Hamas telling Palestinians to stay put

                  This needs context, because it’s even more complicated. They’re worried about a second Nakba, if Palestinians evacuate they will likely never be allowed to go home.

                  Here is evidence of Israel giving 24 hours notice before bombing and saying that the bombings will not stop until all hostages are released

                  And zero guarantees that the bombings won’t resume after the hostages are released. Giving up their only leverage would be foolish. By keeping the hostages they are strategically destabilizing Israel, because it makes Israelis unhappy with their government. Knowing your government is going to kill your family has an effect on people, regardless of the reasons.

                  Here is evidence that neighboring countries do not want Palestinian refugees

                  Again, more complicated. They can’t handle a million+ extra people, especially when they’d be coming with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The burden of a refugee crisis could actually collapse Egypt, they can’t afford this.

                  If Israel gave a shit they’d take refugees into Israel itself.

                  It’s complicated, but it’s not inexplicable.

                  • This entire argument was spawned because a commenter pointed out that no, Israel is not going to let a group that effortlessly blends in with the civilian population into their country. Thank you for at least addressing my points. A lot of this comes down to who do you trust? I really don’t trust either side personally, but from all the research I’ve done I’ve found mountains of evidences of intense hatred of Jews in this region long before WWII. I’ve found mountains of evidence pointing towards the land being bought legally prior to the 1948 declaration of war. If you are interested I can provide multiple sources for you about it. I don’t have an agenda and I’d like to see a ceasefire. I just want people to be informed.

                • Says the person stumbling over themselves in a one person conversation. I at least hope you find some satisfaction out of all this effort. I honestly tuned out after your first comment. Please let me know how everything turns out when you finish talking this out with yourself. I’m sure I’ll care.