Cancer patients are celebrating a string of courtroom victories after juries in three US states recently ordered Germany’s Bayer to pay more than $500m in damages for failing to warn about the health risks of its Roundup herbicides. But the consumer wins come as proposed federal legislation backed by Bayer and the powerful agricultural industry could limit similar cases from ever going to trial in the future.

  •  memfree   ( ) 
    1711 months ago

    This is important! This is the sort of thing voters need to be calling about to their Congress folks. This is where we need media attention – especially the mostly defunct local news that SHOULD be telling us which way our elected officials are positioning themselves for upcoming issues, and then checking to see if they voted as they said they would.

    This is the sort of thing where Congress KNOWS it is unlikely that anyone will know how the votes go down, and they’ll get ‘campaign’ money from mega-corps for screwing over the voting public. Don’t let them get away with it!

    Call your Representative NOW and tell them you are watching. Better: tell them you are part of a group (whatever group you might be in) and you are educating the whole group to vote on this issue. Tell them you are watching to see when they vote for and against public interest. Then DO SO.