• This looks like the final layer of hell. Your coworker writes their scripts in another language and now you have to decipher what the hell they mean. Who has a problem woth English for development tools, etc.? It’s really not a monumental task to learn it, and I’m not even a native speaker.

    • May I introduce you to the concept of Microsoft Excel?

      One time, someone from HR asked me, if I could help them with an Excel formula. So, I quickly looked up how to do something like that in Excel, adapted it as needed on my laptop, then sent it to them. And well, it didn’t work on their system, because I coded it in English, whereas their OS was in German.

      • Yep, this sort of behaviour translates to Windows paths also. Why would they name a directory “C:\Users\Example\Desktop”, when they can replace “Desktop” with a locale-specific name, which is not just a link to “Desktop”, but a completely different directory which breaks any scripts expecting “Desktop”.

        We know MS well, their choice is clear :)

    • Even if everyone is using English, there will be cultural differences. I used to work at a company which had a lot of indian externals working on their code base. Whenever I had to work on a mainly Indian developed project i had to get used to how they wrote things. Usually things where named a bit different. Not by much, but enough tho throw me off a couple of times before i got used to it.

      IMPORTANT: I am not shitting on how they used English, merely pointing out that they used it differently from how i would have expected.

      • In this case they were still using English, with minor differences. Imagine one of the Indian externals writing an internal script that utilizes the Indian localisation. You’d have to whip out a translator or dive into the docs for a tool which you may have already used countless times and know how it works when instead, they could have simply learned the English arguments for the tool.

        Nothing against people not being native speakers of English, I’m not one either. I just think that this creates more problems than it solves.

        • I agree with you, that even the devil would run away from localised scripts.

          Just pointing out that even if everyone is using English, there will be differences. These differences can make it hard enough - no need for more stuff on top.