•  nobloat   ( @nobloat@lemmy.ml ) 
    8 months ago

    I hope this is a joke because the Arabic translation is so wrong. It’s also confusing because Arabic is written from right to left so it’ll just create a mess. The translators are using “letter case” and translated it literally to Arabic. The word used doesn’t mean “letter” as in a letter in the alphabet but “letter” as in what you send in the post office. These are totally different words in Arabic.

  •  Spore   ( @Spore@lemmy.ml ) 
    8 months ago

    This reminds me of a similar experience.

    The first release of WSL(2) 1.0 (this versioning alone is worth another post here, but let’s not talk about it) have its CLI --help message machine translated in some languages.
    That’s already evil enough, but the real problem is that they’ve blindly fed the whole message into the translator, so every line and word is translated, including the command’s flag names.

    So if you’re Chinese, Japanese or French, you will have to guess what’s the corresponding flag names in English in order to get anything working.
    And as I’ve said it’s machine translated so every word is. darn. inaccurate. How am I supposed to know that “–分布” is actually “–distribution”? It’s “发行版” in Chinese and “ディストリビューション” in Japanese.

    At last I had to switch my system language to English to set a WSL instance up. From then on I never use any display language other than English for Microsoft products. Sometimes “translated” is worse than raw text in its original language.

    Related links if you like to see people suffer:

    PS: for the original post, my stance is “please don’t make your software interface different for different languages”. It’s the exact opposite of the author has claimed: it breaks the already formed connection by making people’s commands different.
    It’s the CLI equivalence of scrambling every button to make sure they are placed differently in different languages in GUI. I hope this sounds stupid enough so that no one will try it.
    A not-so-stupid way that I can think of is to add a “translation” subcommand to the app that given any supported flags in any language it converts them to the user’s language. Which is still not so useful and is not any better than a properly translated documentation, anyway.

    • Try using Excel in another language than English. You have to hope someone, that speaks your language had exactly the same problem as you, because all the formulas get translated and Excel doesn’t recognize the English version when your language isn’t set to English.

    • The Microsoft Office installer has translated “Office downloads” (as in office is downloading now) to the plural form in Swedish, so it reads grammatically incorrectly as if there’s multiple downloads going on. Very professional, lmao

  • I don’t get it. Is the joke that i18n for CLIs is unimportant? Or is this an earnest post that just so happened to get posted under humor? I wish I had the source for the image.

  • This looks like the final layer of hell. Your coworker writes their scripts in another language and now you have to decipher what the hell they mean. Who has a problem woth English for development tools, etc.? It’s really not a monumental task to learn it, and I’m not even a native speaker.

    • May I introduce you to the concept of Microsoft Excel?

      One time, someone from HR asked me, if I could help them with an Excel formula. So, I quickly looked up how to do something like that in Excel, adapted it as needed on my laptop, then sent it to them. And well, it didn’t work on their system, because I coded it in English, whereas their OS was in German.

      • Yep, this sort of behaviour translates to Windows paths also. Why would they name a directory “C:\Users\Example\Desktop”, when they can replace “Desktop” with a locale-specific name, which is not just a link to “Desktop”, but a completely different directory which breaks any scripts expecting “Desktop”.

        We know MS well, their choice is clear :)

    • Even if everyone is using English, there will be cultural differences. I used to work at a company which had a lot of indian externals working on their code base. Whenever I had to work on a mainly Indian developed project i had to get used to how they wrote things. Usually things where named a bit different. Not by much, but enough tho throw me off a couple of times before i got used to it.

      IMPORTANT: I am not shitting on how they used English, merely pointing out that they used it differently from how i would have expected.

      • In this case they were still using English, with minor differences. Imagine one of the Indian externals writing an internal script that utilizes the Indian localisation. You’d have to whip out a translator or dive into the docs for a tool which you may have already used countless times and know how it works when instead, they could have simply learned the English arguments for the tool.

        Nothing against people not being native speakers of English, I’m not one either. I just think that this creates more problems than it solves.

        • I agree with you, that even the devil would run away from localised scripts.

          Just pointing out that even if everyone is using English, there will be differences. These differences can make it hard enough - no need for more stuff on top.

    • I have to use a German API with weird halftranslations and ultra long names, due to bad model generation. Something like getPersonAntragsPersonAdressDetailEintragList().

      Unfortunately, it makes sense, since many of the terms have a very precise legal meaning and can’t be unambiguously translated.

      • Yeah, this is one of those things which sounds great on paper but also introduces problems. I’ve seen people get really annoyed when exception messages are translated because it makes them harder to search for online. That would need to be solved too.

        I’ve had huge issues collaborating on a spreadsheet with a Spanish client. It tries to open the sheet in your locale and then can’t find the functions. Insane that Microsoft didn’t even add some metadata to allow me to work on it in Spanish.