• To be more exact, ownCloud started as a community first project and they did pivot to a more enterprise facing project, starting to pack features behind a paywall and so on.

          ownCloud Infinite Scale is almost a complete rewrite in Go instead of PHP, which is something very welcoming, because my instance starts to have subpar performance, i will test and find out if it’s worth the hype.

        • The guy who founded owncloud (Frank), sold it to american venture capitalists. When Frank didn’t like how the VCs were planning to enshittify Owncloud, he forked the project and moved it back to Germany from Boston. The American VCs saw this, realized they couldn’t exploit the software anymore, so they sold Owncloud to a group of German businessmen. Ironically for Frank there are now two german owned non-VC backed cloud software based on the same code. But yeah they’re taking different strategic paths for growth.