Hello. Have some tea, take a cookie *), tell us something.

  1. What was your first PS console? (If you’ve only played one on a trade show, or are only thinking of maybe getting one, that’s cool too.)

  2. Your favorite game?

  3. An underrated game or one everyone should try?

  4. Any particular memories?

  5. Playing anything at the moment?

*) Yea ok you can have another. Keep in mind they’re virtual.

    1. First PS: Been around since PSX
    2. Fav game: Any of the battlefields prior to V
    3. Hidden gem: There’s a sword fighting game called bushido blade on ps1 that really is something
    4. Memory: My brother and I played street fighter 3 and tekken 3 for years. Still do sometimes
    5. Currently playing: Working my way through Sekiro and loving it.