Hello. Have some tea, take a cookie *), tell us something.

  1. What was your first PS console? (If you’ve only played one on a trade show, or are only thinking of maybe getting one, that’s cool too.)

  2. Your favorite game?

  3. An underrated game or one everyone should try?

  4. Any particular memories?

  5. Playing anything at the moment?

*) Yea ok you can have another. Keep in mind they’re virtual.

  • My first console was the PS2! My favorite game was Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal (thats Ratchet and Clank 3 for those outside of the US). I think its underrated, and I know there are moreso underrated titles, but it did not get as big as it should have IMO. I dont use my playstations much anymore, as I have a PC now, but playing in turns with my brother is probably my fondest memories.

  • Heyo!

    1. My first PS console was PSX

    2. Favorite game on PSX was Dynamite Cop (I played the hell out of it!) Currently my favorite game is Ghost of Tsushima.

    3. Underrated games? I don’t know if these are really underrated, but I’m goinna have to say Limbo and Inside. Really anything in the Indie scene doesn’t get enough credit for all their innovation.

    4. Favorite Gaming memory? Taking turns over a long weekend playing Tenchu with my best friend. Switching off whenever we died.

    5. Currently finishing Horizon FW and then going right to the DLC (Burning Shores)

    1. PS1, first generation (I remember being able to swap disc to play backup games with a cufflink)
    2. Shadow of Colossus
    3. Jumping Flash
    4. A good friend introducing me to Metal Gear Solid 1. Shopping in Hong Kong for a modded PS2.
    5. Child of Light on Vita
    1. A third-hand PS1. It lasted less than a year before crapping out spectacularly (It took my Croc disc with it, RIP) and getting replaced with a PS2.
    2. The Sims 2 Castaway. A smaller scaled-down Sims game that was less about keeping a roof over your head in terms of paying the bills, and more about keeping a roof over your head at all.
    3. Tomba! A 2D kinda-Metroidvania platformer. It’s very casual - not that it’s easy, but the challenge scales up alongside your character quite nicely.
    4. Unlocking N Tropy’s time trials in Crash Team Racing. I hadn’t played Crash 3 at the time, so I had no idea who the blue man was and he freaked 8-year-old me out.
    5. All the demo discs I can get my hands on! I spend too many hours scrolling through TCRF and Hidden Palace, so I love loading game demos up and playing spot the difference with the final game. I’m not a game developer myself but watching the process of how they develop is really interesting.
    1. PS1, I missed out on the PS2, got a PS3 late in the cycle, and traded in my Xbox One for a PS4 Pro. I will be getting a PS5 the moment I can afford it!

    2. Bioshock - it’s the fist game that showed me that videos games can be art.

    3. Frostpunk - it’s a fantastic city builder / resource management game.

    1. First PS: Been around since PSX
    2. Fav game: Any of the battlefields prior to V
    3. Hidden gem: There’s a sword fighting game called bushido blade on ps1 that really is something
    4. Memory: My brother and I played street fighter 3 and tekken 3 for years. Still do sometimes
    5. Currently playing: Working my way through Sekiro and loving it.
  • My first console was the original PSX!

    My favorite game of all time from Playstation is a close race between SSX Tricky and NBA Street Vol 2.

    I think one underrated game everyone should try is Narc for PS2. Funny side note that game introduced me to the music of NWA for the first time

    One thing I will never forget is the day I fried my PSX as a kid by dropping a penny down inside of it through the disc reader and turning it on like an idiot.

    Currently playing through Silent Hill for the first time ever!

  •  WhoRoger   ( @WhoRoger@lemmy.world ) OP
    1 year ago

    I’ll start since I’ve made this com:

    1. PS3, which I got when PS4 was already out. I bought it in a grocery store which also carried some electronics, and sometimes they were in deep discount. They had one X360, one PS3 12GB and one white PSP.

    Yea, I went out just to get bread one day at night and came back with a PS3 on a whim. Kinda sad I didn’t also get a PSP, but this was my first console and I didn’t really know what to expect. I only played on PC until then and was using a 360 controller already, so I was more predisposed to that, but I wanted to play Journey, so I gave PS3 a shot. Glad I did, honestly.

    Recently I’ve also been discovering some PS1 games (on emulator, albeit PS3 can play those too.)

    1. When it comes to PS exclusives (at the time), that would probably be Beyond Two Souls. I’m one of those who play games primarily for the story.

    Metal Gear Solid 3 and Sly Cooper remasters definitely up there too.

    For multiplatform stuff, shoutout to Brothers: The Tale of Two Sons, Life is Strange, Destiny and open world games like GTA IV/Online and Sleeping Dogs.

    1. You might guess that by looking at the sidebar, but Puppeteer and Tokyo Jungle need to be experienced by everybody.

    Sly Cooper also doesn’t get the love it deserves I think.

    1. I never thought I’d ever care about trophies, but some of those platinums are pretty memorable: Watch_Dogs (my first), GTA IV (latest and achieved after 8 years) or Destiny (soloing a raid without dying).

    Probably more importantly, I had bought a steering wheel and Gran Turismo 5 to learn to drive properly. It really is a good trainer.

    1. Sampling PS1 games. Really liked the Crash trilogy (on an emulator with save states; otherwise it’s impossible). Nothing else has grabbed me much so far.
  • My first console was the PS2, then i got the PS3, and now my current console is a PS4, and im going to stop there. I was a big fan of the Ace combat series, It was the first flight game where the planes were so easy to fly for me. My favorite game on the PS2 was probably Black. On PS3 I played the multiplayer Ace combat, but my favorite game was Red Dead Redemption. I would wear a cowboy hat and ride around. I tried wearing the hat riding the Skyrim horse, but it wasn’t the same. On PS4 I’m playing Xcom2 and Farcry 5

    1. I grew up with PS1 watching my dad play Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil.
    2. The MGS series is my favorite and I even created a community ( https://lemmy.world/c/metalgearsolid ) on here because I couldn’t find one. I’m hoping there’s a whole new group of gamers introduced to the series through the upcoming Snake Eater remake. There’s no content in the community yet so please bring the hype train through
    3. I would suggest trying out The Jersey Devil on PS1. Not because it aged well at all, but because it will make you appreciate that us 90’s gamers walked so you could run. PS1 games weren’t bad but none of them had quite figured out 3D space yet without analogue sticks.
    4. I remember hearing my dad ask for the playstation at Toys r’ Us and me thinking it was a jungle gym.
    5. Right now I’m obsessed with Tears of the Kingdom. Just got the last shrine.