I don’t see a discussion thread for the recently concluded Attack on Titan anime series, so here it is. Mods, feel free to delete if inappropriate.

  •  edric   ( @scytale@lemm.ee ) OP
    48 months ago

    So I have a few opinions as a non-manga reader. Based on the comments I’ve seen so far, it seems a lot of readers who hated the manga ending were a bit more ok with how the anime executed it, specifically with how they changed Armin agreeing to Eren’s genocide plan in the manga.

    My one minor gripe is how Eren/Ymir undid the titan change of the secondary/minor characters (Jean, Connie, Gabi, Annie’s/Pieck’s/Reiner’s parents, etc.). I feel like the impact would’ve been greater if only the primary titans lose their abilities, and the rest died. Jean and Connie’s conversation before they turned was amazing and them coming back made it lose its impact. Then maybe Annie and Pieck go into self exile because of what happens and only Armin and Reiner return as ambassadors. Oh maybe Annie stays for Armin.

    Question for the people who are more knowledgeable: I get Eren and Armin conversing on the beach and Eren wiping it from Armin’s memory until the after the end, but when does Eren and Mikasa hiding out in the countryside happen?

    • Having just watched it last night, I had the same gripe as you did regarding the titan changes coming undone, but now I think it kinda works well with the shift in tone we get when it’s revealed that despite the events that took place, the cycle is doomed to continue.

      There’s a real sense of optimism after the fight that I think is actually pretty important to one of AoT’s messages about how even if we’re trapped in these awful cycles, there are moments within those cycles where things can be good and worth living for.