• I was on an interview call, and I was responding to his queries about a specific tool because that is what was mentioned in the job post.

      After 2-3 questions, he says talk about some other tool which is okay, but then he starts asking questions outside of the technical requirements which I only knew surface level information about.

      Upon pointing it out to him, he says there may be anything written on the job post, you should know how to read between the lines. I was a little confused, and realised it was not worth it to argue with someone who seemed disinterested in the interview itself.

      Edit: wording changes.

            • That one anyway I lost interest after talking to the interviewer. It was clear to me that he didn’t want me, and he didn’t even join the call for about 30 minutes.

              Had to call the recruiter about 3 times in 10 minute intervals before they connected and said the interviewer will be joining.

              Got done with 2 rounds of interviews at 2 other companies, but it’s been over a month after that so I assume it’s not proceeding further ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I continue my search…