There’s been so many new laws passed across the US (and some other countries world wide as well), that makes it feel like even visiting another area is unsafe. I feel like I can’t go anywhere without feeling like the entire state is out to get me.

    • I’ve heard the flak you’re talking about with similar discourse here in FL - I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that to what I bet was already a tough decision and/or move. Unfortunately there’s so much judgment in what is already a marginalized community!! But I think everyone should do what feels right for them and what they can do in the current moment - I sincerely hope you are in a much better spot where you are now!

      • Oh yeah. Seriously, I love New York. Great weather, the people are nicer, my in-laws have no idea where we are…

        It kinda sucked moving out of Memphis. We’d lived there for the better part of a decade. I have ties to the tech community there.

        • Between Manhattanites and the upstate weirdos… I’m not sure that’s an upgrade (jk :P)

          Yeah, I get missing the place you had roots in; I moved to the States and thought bigger country = bigger opportunities to connect and grow, but it still doesn’t fully replace what you leave behind! But you do what you have to do, and you make the best of it, and ultimately you find make new ties to compliment the old ones :)

    • That’s both frustrating and appalling. This is a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation, because I can’t even remember how many times I’ve seen the sentiment that “oh the conservative states have made their bed, let them sleep in it” without regard for the members of the queer community who still live there. Sometimes, that’s even followed up with “just move out” when those members are brought up, completely disregarding whether that’s even possible on a financial or emotional level. Every situation is different, and there is no correct answer. The best we can do is support people who are making decisions in good faith, as long as those decisions don’t harm others.