• I like the sound of this! The Starfield coffee article was funny. $7 a month miiiight be a little bit much for me - but I’ll keep an eye on this and if the journalism is decent and they put out a fair number of articles I’ll definitely consider it. I guess I used to spend around that amount on gaming magazines…

    • That’s more or less where I am at.

      I am ride or die with Remap (added a year of Founders during the launch stream) and consider their podcast insanity to be worth the monthly fee alone.

      But for 404 and Aftermath and whoever else, I am planning on buying a month or two here and there when there is a particularly good article I want to read/“support”. Probably comes out higher than grabbing an issue of EGM or OPM or PC Gamer back in the day, but also inflation so it might even be cheaper?