Big or small, cheap or expensive.

Did you find any specific use for the item?

  • Oh this happened to me in reverse. My workplace (a client’s office, technically) dumped a bunch of stuff at my house without permission, and I did not keep it. Expected me to store boxes and boxes of financial records, for infinity years, no contract or anything. They also defaulted on money owed to me, which I had to pay taxes on, even though I received nothing. Never have I met such an arrogantly entitled company owner.

    Sold it all as scrap paper. Recovered 0.005% of the money owed this way. Later their company was dissolved due to nonpayment of taxes. If they ever come back to the country, they may have heir passport withheld until they pay what’s owed. Which is whatever the tax department says it is, because they have no financial records.

      • The company which is responsible for their own financial records can get in trouble. And he could get in trouble if he destroyed them at their office. But if they dumped them at his house without a contract then he is free to dispose of them from his property.

      • No. He’s responsible for caring for those, not me. If I dump my tax records on your front lawn, that’s on me – you can just leave them there in the rain or wait for the city to pick them up. If there was some form of contract in place I would be more careful, of course.

        (FYI my current home is 18 square meters. There is no front lawn. Storing them would be impossible even if I wanted to)