• I’ve been using Linux since the 90’s so you’re preaching to the choir here :D Photoshop and Lightroom work quite badly with wine, so windows it is for my partner.

    Edit: you can buy a key from eBay, but it is a bit in the gray area…

    •  0x4E4F   ( @0x4E4F@infosec.pub ) 
      8 months ago

      Nah, I’m a late adopter 😂. Actually, a friend of mine got me into it, he installed Gentoo (his first distro if you can believe that 😂), but that was too scary for me at the time (2004, 2005 I think 🤔) so I used Mandrake for a while. Then switched back to Win7 and used that for a while and then got back to Linux and now I dual boot with LTSC 2019 (mainly for stuff that are too hard to transfer to Linux, like software that is dependant on hardware to work properly and meant only to be run on Windows).

      Yeah, I know about the OEM keys, they’re basically resells, all of them 😂, including the LTSC ones… but why bother when you got KMS38 😂.