• especially long time users - expect things to be where they used to be

    Moving advanced settings around is incredibly frustrating for users. Especially now how they have settings in multiple different places, but they do slightly different things. The POs that design these things are weirdos.

    • advanced settings

      I agree. However, for the “what’s a computer?” crowd, manually adjusting the screen brightness is pretty advanced. They intentionally obfuscate settings they (a) don’t want people messing with - like the ability to show the entire right-click context or uninstalling Candy Crush and (b) which are likely to lead to screwing up their system - like entering their own namerserver IP address or opening ports in the firewall. Still, if I were in a room with Hitler and the person who decided to create the Settings app without all the control panel functions included, and had a gun with only had one bullet, Hitler would still be alive.