•  gk99   ( @gk99@beehaw.org ) 
        1111 months ago

        We should normalize stocking products like Liquid Death at bars for people who don’t want to drink and need a product that’s so visually wild that nobody will think “oh that’s literally water in a can.”

        • I saw a comic who spoke about telling the bartender before shows to put tea in his glass instead. Even if people order a shot for him, it should just be tea. It looked enough like alcohol that no one would make a big deal about it.

          It’s wild that you can’t just be like “I want tea” without it becoming a whole thing.

      • This. I’m not completely sober but I did get myself in trouble a couple times after moving to a new city where I didn’t know anyone. The only way to meet people was at a bar and when I did make friends with my interests, again, it was always meeting up at a bar.

        I get it. Where are you going to go after work when other places are closing and it’s dark outside.

        my social anxiety made it all worse. What do I do with my hands? I guess I’ll hold a drink. I hated the whole thing. Now, I’m in my 30s and I barely leave my house. Dogs are better than people. 😊