• And at this point the cost difference couldn’t possibly be so stark that they have to make it a great leap in price. I think they offer these 8GB models for non power-users. People doing spreadsheets and presentations all day, but honestly even then 8GB of memory just seems like they’re cheaping out.

      • Even then, 8GB isn’t really enough. Get a few browser tabs going (with full apps integrated) in a Zoom meeting and you’ll run out of memory right quick.

        Hell, I regularly use all of my 32GB of memory. Granted, with my job and ADHD, I often have 20+ tabs open in each of several browser windows at the same time with multiple documents and spreadsheets and other apps all running.

        But, still. 16GB+ is non-negotiable for me in an entry-level laptop today. And there are decent options available for under $500 CAD rn.

        • Hell, I regularly use all of my 32GB of memory

          On what operating system?

          I have 16GB on my Mac and half of it goes to a virtual machine. And I’m definitely a heavy user - five browser windows open with who knows how many tabs is pretty common. An IDE or even two, plus all sorts of other stuff, and a bunch of electron apps too.

          MacOS definitely uses “all of the memory”, but often at least a few gigabytes (as in, almost half my memory aside from the VM) is dedicated to caching files on disk. And with a fast SSD that’s not buying you much performance.

          • Windows 11.

            The big difference I noticed with the extra memory is that my browser tabs don’t get cached, and programs I haven’t used in a long time are still responsive instantly (i.e. they also weren’t cached.)

    •  Empricorn   ( @Empricorn@feddit.nl ) 
      8 months ago

      My company is deploying new basic, mass-produced, small form-factor office PCs. No graphics-editing, no programming, integrated graphics card, just basically spreadsheets and web browsers. The standard is that each of them have 32gb of memory. 8 is ridiculous…

        •  locuester   ( @locuester@lemmy.zip ) 
          8 months ago

          Yeah, this is pretty much what I thought. So I don’t understand why people are pretending that eight or 16 is going to cut it.

          Maybe they are just happy purposefully limiting usage due to a constraint that they don’t realize is easy to raise.

          I like to have 3 4k monitors and four desktops and 10 chrome tabs opened on each one along with SQL stuff and a half dozen vscode windows, and a full visual studio or 2, wsl2 running with a dozen docker containers, plus all of the collaboration programs like Telegram and Discord. And I don’t like to close any of that down when I go play flight simulator. So the extra couple hundos is nothing so that I can be sure to never run out of ram.

      • Answer probably depends on the nature of your usage?

        I have a 16gb m1 air, and it is okay for development, but i dont have any VMs (except docker i guess, and also android VMs). I have run out of RAM once, with multiple pycharm/clion/browser windows open. Its not great, but its livable. I run out of screen realestate first usually. I use it for personal projects to kill time on trains, so not super heavy stuff.

        But otherwise yeah, more is better. I have 64 gb in my desktop and 96gb in my work PC, and occasionally i can hit the limits there.