• Unusual to word it as a fetish. Would you say there’s a weird fetish for American focused criticism? Makes sense to me that the largest nations that have the most influence globally and all countries and companies have to tiptoe around garners the most focus and criticisms.

    • Preoccupation perhaps? I’d say a lot of people on the have a preoccupation with US-focused criticism. Though I agree it makes sense that countries like the US and China garner a lot more attention than say, Czechia or Kyrgisistan.

      It’s the extent of it that can get weird. It’s everywhere. A thread about a knife attack in France is not an appropriate place to dunk on American shooting statistics.

      • I will say that I am personally more critical of the US, as I am an American, and therefore I feel personally responsible for the actions of my own government (even though I realistically have no personal control over it).

        • Something about reading a person with no power feeling responsible for the practices of the upper echelons of power and control makes me feel sad. Like the propaganda worked or something. I feel like there’s a parallel to the environmental accountability. I can’t remember the name of the approach, but it’s very much a thing that:

          Where one has power and control in minority, instead of dealing with it, make it seem as though the wide majority without power, control or benefit of X is in fact responsible for X, and they should feel bad and take accountability for X. Even though the unfortunate majority had no say in how the runnings of it were decided.


          • accountability evasion
          • Responsibility diffusion
          • passing the buck.