• Hamas is a terrorist organization that keeps the population hostage

    Israel has kept the population hostage since even before Hamas won a free and fair election in 2006, and in retaliation, for the last 16 years Israel made their imprisonment even more draconian.

    • Terrorism can never be a solution. Independent that Hamas was freely elected and then abused its power in a terrorist regime, like the Israeli governments that believe that with apartheid and violence against the population in an imperialist policy they achieve peace. With this path, conflicts can never be resolved at the cost of the population on both sides. Terrorism on the one hand is not solved by killing tens of thousands of people. What Israel is doing is genocide as such, that cannot be justified with “legitimate defense.” They do not fight Hamas, even shooting refugees fleeing a besieged Hospital, where hundreds of people die due to lack of food, medicine and energy, nor indiscriminately bombing towns and even refugee caravans and ambulances. With this they create terrorism in the ranks of Palestinians because with their actions they justify it.