• Considering how Bethesda releases go

    Fallout 76 was a flop because it just is a bad game, but haven’t Bethesda releases been otherwise a great success pretty much always? Oblivion, Skyrim, single player Fallout games have all been great hits and are still actively played to this date.

    That’s why I’m actually slightly hyped for this. I reflect the trailer to the gaming experience of Fallout 4 and get the feeling that this is just going to be yet another Bethesda game I’ll be playing after 10 years still. Sure, there are going to be lots of funny and not so funny bugs but I guess nowadays that’s the way every game is released.

    •  Jack   ( @jack@beehaw.org ) 
      51 year ago

      Bethesda games are usually succesful, Bethesda releases are usually a pile of crap. I can get past the “release $70 garbage and patch it up” model, but I don’t see anything here that makes me want to. I could totally end up loving it - not going to completely write it off based on trailers - but nothing I’m seeing here looks all that interesting.

      •  zalack   ( @zalack@lemmy.ml ) 
        51 year ago

        I’ve never had a bad experience on release with any of the Bethesda games I’ve played. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.

        I didn’t play 76, and like – fair game.

        But for the games I’ve played it’s never been more than visual / physics bugs, or script events not triggering and doing a quick load to fix it.

        Most importantly, I’ve always had a blast, even with the rough edges. As long as it seems like the devs gave it an honest go, are fixing bugs the players trigger, and the company didn’t lie about the state of the game, it’s just a much better experience to have a little grace around the launch of an ambitious game.

        •  Naryn   ( @Naryn@lemmy.world ) 
          21 year ago

          I’ve never had a bad experience on release with any of the Bethesda games I’ve played. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4.

          For about 10 years you literally couldn’t play Fallout 3 on PC without a user created mod. Until MS bought them, they still had Windows Live which was broken and stopped you being able to play the game if you were on Windows 7+