These can be smoothies, bars, drinks, supplements, etc.

Is there something specific you look for (ex. price, ingredients, specific nutrients etc.)?

Is there a brand you like / avoid (ex. soylent, huel, hol food, etc.)


I definitely don’t recommend fully replacing your diet with them. I know some people use them instead of other processed food / fast food / skipping meals entirely, and that’s the use case I had in mind for myself

  • The premade soylents are pretty good, and I regularly have them with a protein bar as my lunch. They’re pretty expensive in my opinion, so I try and look for them on sale, but the ease of not having to prep lunch is often worth it. I try and keep it under $2 a bottle for the 14oz ones, which still feels expensive to me, but some of the lunches I prep are around that cost, and it’s way cheaper than going out to eat (I keep a spare one at work in case I ever forget to bring lunch)

    •  gregorum   ( ) 
      11 months ago

      I’ve lost 20lbs in the last 2 weeks replacing 2 of my meals a day with Soylent RTD drinks! They’re great for dieting!

      I get a pretty good deal, ordering them by the case on Amazon.

      Edit: YMMV, but I was eating a lot of crap and eating way too much. Soylent makes it very easy to eat better and to control my caloric intake.

        •  gregorum   ( ) 
          11 months ago

          It’s 1% of my body weight edit: oops, my math was off! (from 206 to 186), and I expect it to stabilize at about 175-170. I was overeating a lot, and I had recently gained a bunch of weight that I’m now losing again due to correcting my diet. 

          •  Vlyn   ( ) 
            411 months ago

            20 lbs is 9.7% of your body weight. If you read the scale like you do math then I highly doubt you lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks.

            Hell, I lost 20 lbs in 2 1/2 months (doing Keto, so still eating plenty of protein) and I still lost some hair as it was too quick. 20 lbs in 2 weeks is unbelievable, that would be 70,000 kcal of fat. While an average male uses around 2000 kcal a day, so that’s around 28,000 kcal in 2 weeks. It’s literally impossible, even if we say a handful of your pounds were water weight.

            •  gregorum   ( ) 
              11 months ago

              I guess i got the math wrong on the percentage. Still, down from 206 to 186 is still 20 pounds— unless one of the doctors who weighed me has a scale that’s severely miscalibrated. Didn’t lose any hair though.

              I did gain about that much over the last two or three months, so it’s more that I’m returning to a weight that’s more normal for me, so that may be why.