•  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
    177 months ago

    Yeah, I don’t see it. Jezebel was mostly pop journalism with an at times dubiously feminist leaning. To prop them up not only as a valuable news source but ‘one of the last remaining feminist institutions’ is just silly. There are better, much more rigorous feminist news sources out there that aren’t focused exclusively on click-bait and outrage fuel.

    Feminist.org has a list of a bunch, though some are outdated. https://feminist.org/resources/feminist-magazines/

    • Feminist.org has a list of a bunch, though some are outdated. https://feminist.org/resources/feminist-magazines/

      that’s putting it rather generously–of their five general interest outlets for example (of which Jezebel, notably, is one), three are now defunct. several of their other listed outlets also aren’t particularly “feminist” leaning either except in the sense that they have a progressive or leftist orientation. this would in fact seem to illustrate that it’s a rather small pond Jezebel was in.