Is there a better first post than this one?

Now let’s patiently wait for it to fill up! (hopefully)

  • Currently in my No Man’s Sky phase, new expedition dropped the other day and that’s took almost all of my attention away from the Minecraft Realm me and a few friends have just started, oops.

    • Yeah, the new No Man’s Sky expedition has lured me back once again, not that I was all that disinclined - it was just the immense update download that was discouraging me, alongside the fact that I recently discovered how well (some) Wii U games can be emulated on PC and finally got around to starting to play Breath Of The Wild. Two divine beasts done, two still to go.

        • Me too! A few years back the Wii U was my main gaming platform - the only one, really, except for Linux PCs and a Mac, neither of which were exactly mainstream gaming choices although both could run Portal and so on. I enjoyed it a lot. At the time I was addicted to Batman, but the Wii U somewhat faded from use when it turned out that other people, selfishly and inexplicably, wanted to use the telly for stuff other than stealthily suspending criminals from gargoyles.