Is there a better first post than this one?
Now let’s patiently wait for it to fill up! (hopefully)
jason ( ) 12•2 years agoDwarf Fortress has consumed far too many hours as of late. It is wonderful without the actively hostile UI.
remi_pan ( ) 4•2 years agoPlaying Dwarf Fortress too… Patiently waiting for adventure mode to be released.
You could try cataclysm dark days ahead for a similar kind of adventure mode experience
Relected ( ) 11•2 years agominecraft with my old ass laptop
Srootus ( ) 8•2 years agoCurrently in my No Man’s Sky phase, new expedition dropped the other day and that’s took almost all of my attention away from the Minecraft Realm me and a few friends have just started, oops.
bodmcjones ( ) 2•2 years agoYeah, the new No Man’s Sky expedition has lured me back once again, not that I was all that disinclined - it was just the immense update download that was discouraging me, alongside the fact that I recently discovered how well (some) Wii U games can be emulated on PC and finally got around to starting to play Breath Of The Wild. Two divine beasts done, two still to go.
Srootus ( ) 3•2 years agoI love my Wii U, such a hated console for no reason. Hombrewed it too. Use it mainly for Wii games currently though.
bodmcjones ( ) 3•2 years agoMe too! A few years back the Wii U was my main gaming platform - the only one, really, except for Linux PCs and a Mac, neither of which were exactly mainstream gaming choices although both could run Portal and so on. I enjoyed it a lot. At the time I was addicted to Batman, but the Wii U somewhat faded from use when it turned out that other people, selfishly and inexplicably, wanted to use the telly for stuff other than stealthily suspending criminals from gargoyles.
Googleproof ( ) 8•2 years agoSame as always for the last 8 years - rimworld. I started playing back on alpha 12, and it’s slowly grown more complicated and deep as time goes on, and I just can’t find anything that quite scratches that same itch. I tried out the new Dwarf Fortress updates, but it felt so undercooked that I just went right back to rimworld biotech. Send help.
zeldis ( ) 3•2 years agoRimWorld is amazing, what starting scenario did you go with for your current colony?
Googleproof ( ) 3•2 years agoTribals, I like 'em because you can beeline magic without having a tonne of prisoners to sell to the empire. Jungle, because I’ve not tried jungle bases before, though I’m less than 2 seasons in and taming elephants seems almost like an exploit at this point. Cassie “losing is fun” mode. I like Randy well enough, but prefer the consistency of challenge at high levels with Cassie, and honestly think she’s harder above “strive to survive” mode.
Derproid ( ) 8•2 years agoBeen playing Divinity Original Sin 2, trying to finally finish my first campaign with a friend committing genocide against the magisters before BG3 releases.
Kecessa ( ) 1•2 years agoI played it with two friends and felt like I would need to play it again on my own to understand what the hell was happening… Following the lore when it’s happening without your involvement and over months is pretty much impossible…
zeldis ( ) 1•2 years agoSuch an incredible game, I can’t wait for the full BG3 release! Also, fuck the magisters,
they killed my cat :(
FunkyTown ( ) 8•2 years agoHumankind
A very different game to civilization but I like it whit all its flaws it has
RamenEater ( ) 1•2 years agoWhat’s flaws would you say it has?
Just curious because I really like the RTS games as they were some of the first PC games I ever played.
GrindPanel ( ) 8•2 years agoFirst comment 😊 been playing pokemon shining pearl, doing a full complete pokedex run.
flipflapslap ( ) 7•2 years ago155ish hours into Elden Ring. Still haven’t completely uncovered the map. I just fuckin love playing that game so much. I’m not even concerned with finishing it, I just enjoy playing it.
AllHailTheSheep ( ) 1•2 years agomy first playthrough was like 180 hours. it’s a fantastic game
lemba ( ) 7•2 years agoSometimes after work I need some Chivalry 2 for some fun and brain afk. On weekends an depending on the mood I’m in I play Battle Brothers, Last Epoch, Magic: The Gathering Arena, Mechabellum, Wartales, Dota 2, Hunt: Showdown, Predecessor, Diablo IV
I’m full on Linux (EndeavourOS) and all games run smooth and great.
iByteABit ( ) 1•2 years agoIs Diablo 4 supported well with Proton? I might play it sometime
lemba ( ) 2•2 years agoYes. I used Lutris to install BattleNet. Works great with GE-Proton 👍.
Vista ( ) 7•2 years agoThe Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Pretty much all I have played since it came out, except maybe one evening of Minecraft and a couple games on with friends, and also excluding regular DnD sessions.
Abreus96 ( ) 3•2 years agoLoving Tears of the Kingdom, tho admittedly haven’t got too far in yet. Just curious, do you play DnD in person or using a Virtual Table Top sim. I play on a sim but wanted to see if others were doing the same.
Vista ( ) 2•2 years agoWe use Foundry and Discord, we started back when COVID was still a serious consideration, plus we aren’t all in the same geographic location.
zilt0id ( ) 7•2 years agoGTA Chinatown Wars (PSP version) on my Steam Deck. I tried GTAV first and found it a bit lackluster (it’s very well made, but it didn’t really grab me), then thought I’d try Chinatown Wars instead and I’ve been surprised how much I’m enjoying it.
The_Lopen ( ) 2•2 years agoDoes the steam deck handle GTAV well?
zilt0id ( ) 1•2 years agoYes, it runs very well. The only problem is that the launcher can be a bit flakey but I suspect that’s not specific to the Deck.
snakesnakewhale ( ) 6•2 years agoJust tipped 2200hrs in Skyrim, though the alien/aerospace conspiracy stuff this week has me itching to fire up Portal 2
Potatomancer ( ) 1•2 years agoI lost hour count lol Played the Constellations modpack. It is based around Requiem, and I just finally reached the level where I can defeat bandit camps. On adept.
BobGnarley ( ) 6•2 years agoI just got the new PSVR2 Bundle and it comes with the new Horizon so I’m about to be playing that. I am hella stoked
tigaente ( ) 6•2 years agoTerraria, 20 minutes till dawn, Boneraiser Minions, Monster Train
SweepsUpGames ( ) 2•2 years agoI love Monster Train, such an excellent deckbuilder. Have you played through the DLC for it? I’ve haven’t picked it up but I’m super curious if it’s worth the time
tigaente ( ) 1•2 years agoNo not yet. I still have lots of fun with the vanilla content. I will most likely pick it up in the future, though.
rice ( ) 1•2 years agothere’s DLC??? monster train and slay the spire have been my gold standards for deck builders since i fell in love with the genre. i gotta check out the DLC now.
MustardCabbage ( ) 2•2 years agoLoved Boneraiser Minions. Currently on Soulstone Survivors to scratch that itch
RandomBit ( ) 6•2 years agoI just finished Red Dead Redemption 2. No game has ever moved me like it did. It’s been hard to start another game since almost nothing can compare.
flipflapslap ( ) 4•2 years agoAh yes, the Red Dead hangover. Don’t worry, it gets easier and soon you’ll be able to enjoy games again
little_hoarse ( ) 3•2 years agoRed Dead 1 and 2 are some of the best story telling in video games.
Try something like Titanfall 2 if you’re looking for a shooter, or Subnautica!
Bronzie ( ) 2•2 years agoIt’s one of those games I wish I never played so I could enjoy it all over again.
Srootus ( ) 2•2 years agoI wish that too with Undertale, I feel that game changed me.
GarlicFries ( ) 1•2 years agoComing time to unpatient myself and get it with it being on sale on Steam. If it’s single player content I only care about I’m not sure if I should go with the cheaper base game or the ultimate edition.