My teeth are in good health and I take good care of them, yet I always get this plaque buildup no matter what I try.

I’ve tried different brushes, toothpastes, and flossing methods to no avail. Mouthwash is too harsh on my mouth and peels my skin off so I avoid that.

I haven’t tried waterpicks or electric brushes yet. Did you? Did they work for you? Have you succeeded in preventing plaque and if so, how???

  • I’ve been to a few over the years. I get two types of answers: “because you don’t floss” (I floss), and “this is normal, you just come for an annual cleanup”.

    I wonder if it’s really just normal and everyone here in the comments has plaque that gets cleaned up professionally every year, or maybe there are people who have near zero plaque from whom I can learn a thing or two.