• …I don’t trust it; even coming from a Post-Jobs version of Apple.

    Apple only ever cares about money. The fact that they make hardware that is beloved by many of the computer illiterate is unimportant…that’s only the way they make money. By exploiting people who don’t want to take the time to properly understand their computer hardware.

    The only reason why they care now is that there’s a big enough group of those customers who are technically savvy who are holding their feet to the fire and loudly informing the rest of the masses who are less knowledgeable about this kind of exploitative behavior and reminding everyone that they’re not the only ones losing massive amounts of data and time to spontaneous hardware failures that were made intentionally irreparable by design because it benefits Apple’s profits.

    • the fact that they make hardware that is beloved by many of the computer illiterate is unimportant

      Painting Apple users as “computer illiterate” makes me think you don’t really have a good understanding of their entire customer base. Macs have been very popular with SWE’s, for close to 20 years now.