Pretty much the subject line. uBO has successfully blocked the nag screen enough times that I can’t play anything at this point. No preview loads, and the play button serves no function. I’d really prefer not to have to find content on YT, copy the URL and use Piped/Invidious, but this ongoing escalation is steeling my resolve to screw Google.

    • I don’t think you can be sure they’re not profiling you for advertising on other sites just because they’re not showing ads on YouTube. The purpose of uBO is security. Plus I wouldn’t give money to a shady company like Google anyway.

    • For everyone who feels righteous by paying YouTube for content, here are some things to consider:

      1. A part of your payment goes to Google - who is involved in unethical and often illegal subversion of privacy and user rights on the internet by corruption of the very foundations of the web.

      2. They’re coming up with their ‘content is not free’ argument after they’ve killed off all their competitors. They’re in a position to demand because they played a bait-and-switch and succeeded in it.

      I’m not against paid services, and especially not against paying the content creators. But when you pay a crook for their services, you bear responsibility for their actions.

        • I never use Chrome or anything Chromium based. You sound like you use Brave.

          But if someone offers me an entertainment service at a price, I pay, or don’t use it. You’re not some noble pirate, you’re just a cheap ass who wants to consume other people’s hard work for free.

          •  4dpuzzle   ( ) 
            7 months ago

            You sound like you use Brave.

            You assumed wrong.

            But if someone offers me an entertainment service at a price, I pay, or don’t use it.

            Oh boy! Another one with the comprehension skills of a mole rat! Where did I say don’t pay the artist? What I don’t like is the pimp middleman in between.

            You’re not some noble pirate, you’re just a cheap ass who wants to consume other people’s hard work for free.

            Says the shill who parrots the words of an abusive and corrupt corporation. Go look at the mirror and call them cheap ass. You are just a self-righteous idiot who helps monopolies gain control over ordinary people, including the artists you supposedly support.

            • If you don’t like “the pimp middleman in between”, I can only assume you exclusively consume your entertainment on subway platforms and pay with dollar bills, which is great, and good for you, but I like to support creators and live a comfortable life. Some of my money goes to Bandcamp, Patreon and Google. You do you.

              “Mole rat”. haha, cute. I’m not worth your top-shelf stuff, trust me. Save it for your English teacher.

              • can only assume you exclusively consume your entertainment on subway platforms

                After Google killed all the competition with ad-free unpaid service for so long. Market manipulation with bait and switch.

                but I like to support creators and live a comfortable life

                Like I said - you’re self righteous. You have no clue how much the creators and web as a whole lost due to the greed and treachery of this horrible company.

                I’m not worth your top-shelf stuff, trust me. Save it for your English teacher.

                You are not worth anything. So keep patting yourself on the back.