Karl Jobst’s video

Tl;DR: Funds raised during IndieLand were claimed to be going to charities, which is contradicted by Open Hand’s tax filings showing the money never went anywhere.

  • I don’t doubt the guy had good intentions at first, my theory is that greed got to him as the money started to pour in. What would have been the end goal if nobody ever notices? Can you even hide this kind of money from authorities as a charity organization?

    However, I think he still can salvage the situation and his some of his reputation if he owns up to his mistakes and donates all of the money now.

      • Yeah seems like ignorance or maybe he got so held up on trying to make the best decision possible that he got into decision paralysis. It happens to all of us at some point. But fucking 10 years. At least the money is still there and hopefully this will get something rolling.