It’s not even June 12 for me, yet I suspect many subreddits went dark based on UTC.

I moved to Reddit during the Digg migration. Thus, I got the default subscriptions from back in the day. Over the years, I’ve unsubscribed to things I felt were crap, and I’ve added a number of subreddits.

Already, many have gone dark. My homepage already looks much different than normal, and I know that a few subreddits that do show have announced they’ll go dark. I assume they are US based and timing that locally.

I’ve spent more time in the Lemmy fediverse than on Reddit since joining, but I’ve spent time on both.

I’ll admit to cynical skepticism of the impact of the darkening. I still don’t think it will make a difference in Reddit policy, but I now believe it will have a larger impact on Reddit traffic than I imagined.

I still expect it to have no change in Reddit attitude or really in Reddit users.

      • I first started browsing reddit in late 2011 and even by then it felt a little like I was arriving at a party that had already been going a while and people had their in-jokes and cliques (to a way lesser extent than today).

        In the best possible way, Lemmy/kbin feels a lot like we all arrived early and the host is still running around trying to make sure everything’s ready.

        • I’m surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but Reddit can be pretty hostile almost everywhere other than small niche subs with consistent communities. Before posting a comment, I would always have to consider whether I was willing to fight about it with someone likely to snidely dismiss it through the most paper-thin lazy rhetoric. Sometimes the answer would be yes but too often it would be no.

        • For me it’s the same reason I’m more likely to contribute in smaller subreddits and that is noise.

          Kind of pointless in replying to something that has been active for 8 hours and has 2,000+ posts. And god help you if you sorted by rising and got in early then you get 100 of the same reply or irrelevant stuff latching onto your comment for visibility.

          Even if you wanted to discuss on larger subreddits the content of comments would be people falling and tripping overthemselves to make the same low effort shitty joke.

    • I feel the same way. I think it’s a little less intimidating as most postshave less comments so I feel like I’ll be lost in the crowd less. I also feel like if we want to make lemmy the reddit replacement we have to use it so other people thinking of switching will see that it is active.

    • Lol true. As it is right now out comments aren’t just a piss in the ocean. I prefer smaller communities and am not sure how I got sucked up into reddit considering I can just get that content from imgur and if I can’t find it here… to think I left imgur for reddit because their app was garbage but it’s nothing compared to the reddit app. And at least blocking ads makes the imgur app usable lol… Anyway, I like this way better lol.