this week is starting off with what i can only assume is a sinus infection, so that’s not ideal. i’m also down two grandparents, which likewise is not ideal

  • My weekend started with my car battery dying while I was far from home. It was midnight, freezing cold, and I was in shorts and a tee-shirt. Not fun! Apparently my battery hasn’t been replaced since 2017, so that’s terrific. Thankfully I was able to get a jump (after waiting two hours for a tow truck), and got home safe. Aside from a new battery, I think I’ll probably also invest in a portable jumper in the future. Y’know, just in case.

    In other fun news, I’ve got a little over a month to finish three essays and study for a huge test that I’ve already failed once. Beyond that, though, I’m fine.

    • A few years ago this happened in a row to my roommate, myself, and my significant other. I bought one of those portable battery chargers, tested it to make sure it worked, and then kept it in my car for just in case.

      It came in handy once or twice but I was already home so it just was slightly more convenient than cables. I like to think it will be useful and save my bacon one day, but I also have a dread feeling that it will just be dead or no longer functional on the day I finally need it and am away from home.