The “Manifest V3” rollout is back after letting tensions cool for a year.

  • They believe that Mozilla taking Google’s money is bad. But they think Brave surreptitiously changing urls to affiliate links and selling user data to ai bros is totally peachy.

    Really, as with anyone who knows about Brave’s tomfoolery but accepts it with open arms, he just seems to be a supporter of their CEO, Brendan Eich, who’s a Silicon Valley douche and bigot. This seems to be supported by the particular animosity shown toward Mozilla, from where Eich was unceremoniously expelled from (due to the wave of negative PR that resulted form his being named their CEO) just before starting Brave.

    Guy’s a fanboy. And one that has no problem. Throwing slurs around when discussing things like software. It’s best to just ignore him.

      •  Pat   ( ) 
        710 months ago

        I switched to Vivaldi a couple months ago, and previously used brave in the past before growing to dislike it. It surprises me how many brave-heads ignore Vivaldi’s existence. It’s just a better Brave. No crypto BS and lots of poweruser features.