I’ve recently bought an RX 6700XT and before it arrives I want to install some games to play. I would prefer singelplayer games but I’m not against some (not too expensive) mutliplayer games. I recently played rdr2 and it’s definetly one of my favories games ever. I also enjoy Cities: Skylines. I haven’t played many singleplayer games yet but I would appreciate some recommendations.

  • I’m a Death Stranding evangelist. As a gamer in his 30s, I’m burnt out on most open world action RPGs. DS hooked me and I’ve been in love with it for years. It’s very unique, has stellar reviews on steam, and can be found quite cheap sometimes. (I think the GOG store gave it away for free for a while, and I believe it’s still on game pass). If you like the chill, pretty vibes of traveling the countryside in rdr2, and the simulation aspects of travel, you might particularly enjoy DS.

    Oh and if you can find it for cheap, Factorio is a wild fun game for fans of city builders who are burnt out. If you can tolerate the grungy, industrial themes of the game, it’s a truley innovative take on the genre. I think it might have a demo?

    And finally Dinkum is a really cute Animal Crossing alternative which I played for a month straight. The premise is, you’re starting your life over in the legendary land of Australia. It also allows you to play online multiplayer with friends if you want.