• Yes.

    We have so much technology and innovation and a line of millions of people with ideas who want to make games.

    Yet we spend our billions in the video game industry to zhuzh up ps2 games made by a studio of 35 people including support and sales.

    Why? Because it’s slightly easier to market, despite again the billions available to spend making new and exciting games.

    • And honestly the example you gave is rather a good example of a remake. The PS2 is 20 years old at this point. If the game was well made and the remake/ remaster is well-executed? Why would anyone object to this?

      New and exciting games exist. This isn’t an issue. In most cases I’d even say that while money surely is important, in most cases it’s not a lack of money preventing a good game, but rather another issue that might lead to funds running out. If that makes sense.

      The current situation is way better than say 25-30 years ago, and those games weren’t exactly trash.

      • Would be a good one, yes. But currently the trend is getting closer from 1.5 to 1 generation ago

        Worst offenders to me are cod, despite a bigger time gap. Force bundling a remake into another live service game that STILL GETS SHUT DOWN AFTER A FEW YEARS FOR THE NEXT LIVE SERVICE.