•  CALIGVLA   ( @Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com ) 
    167 months ago

    Brazil commemorates Thanksgiving? In what bizarro world? I’ve never met a single person here who ever did that, in fact the vast majority of people have absolutely no clue what Thanksgiving is or that it even exists.

    The author is just pulling this shit out of their asses lol.

    • It is a wishful-thinking style article on the web where some yank once met some yank who lived in Brazil and thus decided from this that every person in Brazil celebrated the USian holiday. Same in Japan, who definitely do not celebrate thanksgiving any more than Brazil does. But the yanks all think the world revolves around them.

      •  CALIGVLA   ( @Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com ) 
        7 months ago

        Maybe, but that’s like 0.1% of the population, there aren’t many American communities in Brazil. Maybe it’s a thing in Americana (a town founded by ex-confederates, I shit you not), but otherwise…

    • This article in Wikipedia mentions Brazil under “Observance.” Apparently there are a couple of Brazilian laws that establish Thanksgiving as a holiday and set its date as the fourth Thursday in November.

      So maybe edit Wikipedia? Note to them that it isn’t known or celebrated?

      I really wish I hadn’t mentioned Brazil or Japan. I was just interested in what people were thankful for. I’m truly sorry if I offended Brazilian or Japanese people.