can’t speak much now, site is in five-alarm fire mode for obvious reasons. things are going good though, thank you for using the site, hopefully this week will chill a bit

  • This is kind of a filler week for me. I’ve got a couple of days in the middle of the week off but I’m powering through working the whole weekend. It’s gonna be 40 hours in 3 days, so that will be killer. But next week is looking wide open. Running group, camping trip with some daytime hiking, and a tabletop gaming night (tbd if it’s OnePageRules or Marvel Crisis Protocol). So that’s looking up. At some point I’ve got to finish a commission of painted miniatures which is a minor headache as the customer is simultaneously asking me for improved paintjobs compared to his stuff but he is also extremely insistent my stuff color matches and is indistinguishable from his stuff. Two conflicting priorities. Hopefully he’s happy and I can put him on the “do not take jobs from again” list.