recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that

not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation

with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

    • RDR2 suffers heavily from the same problem as GTAV’s single player mode: it’s a movie posing as a video game and both aspects suffer for it.

      RDR2 would have been great if it was just the part where you wander around tracking critters and collecting flowers and playing cowboy dress-up, but the game really doesn’t want you to do that. Not to belabor the point, but between how unpredictable the connection between “interact with item/character X” and “start mission with character Y” can be and the game’s tendency to fail missions the second you go off-script, RDR2 often felt like it was directed by someone who actively resented the concept of player agency.

    • Rockstar has been moving that way in general for years. They get so focused on the immersive and sim stuff, they forget that they made their name on over-the-top chaotic fun. Everything from GTA4 onward suffers for it, other than RDR1 that struck a decent balance between the approaches.

      • I was really enjoying it, but I eventually got bogged down in the sidequests, and it really could’ve used a low-gore mode. The bloody deer carcasses got to me after a while.

        I think I might have preferred it if it were a little smaller and more focused on the main storylines.

        I do intend to go back to it sooner or later though.

    • Same here. It was so frustrating trying to play it.

      Here’s a pretty awesome looking intricate and interesting world. No, you can go over there. Or there. Or do that

    • I still mostly enjoyed it, but I do agree that it’s way overhyped. The game has a ton of great and fun moments, but it also has so much filler that causes the sense of progression to really grind to a halt.

      It’s a game that IMO would have benefited from leaving some parts on the cutting room floor, but otherwise it’s not a bad game.

    •  foonex   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      I‘m with you. I don‘t get why so many people praise the story and the gameplay.

      The mission design is very disappointing. You have this beautiful open world with so many systems that you can interact with. It can be fun to just start some shit and watch the chaos unfold. But the second you start a mission, everything is scripted and like on rails. You have no real freedom whatsoever in how you want approach a mission. The missions are also not challenging in the least (apart from some jank here and there). It‘s mostly just one turkey shoot after another.

      Story spoilers

      The story is not all that great. It‘s just not believable that anyone sane would stick so long with a gang leader who does not make a single good decision and clearly goes more and more off the deep end. It is also too long and overstays its welcome by tens of hours. Especially the whole Guarma chapter is hot garbage and would not have been missed at all if it weren‘t there.

      I made it through to the end. I had to see for myself where they are going with the story. But I was kind of glad when it was over.

      I wish another studio could license the world that Rockstar have created and make a game that is actually good. But that is never going to happen.