• removing/reducing

    The kids still have exposure, but the total load is reduced allowing the body to see and react to the infectious elements without being overwhelmed. All of the “but it’s nature” fanatics should remember that the million years of evolution we have survived with exposure was done without enclosed, poorly ventilated boxes. And within the historical record, the some of the greatest failures of our “natural” immune system prior to vaccines and antibiotics have generally occurred when we enclosed people into poorly ventilated, densely packed communities. (though many failures come from drinking our own poo…usually due to densely packed populations with unregulated water standards/supplies)

    • though many failures come from drinking our own poo

      It’s drinking other people that’s the real problem. Although it’s disgusting your waste only contains pathogens you already possess.

      • You can absolutely get sick from ingesting your own waste. There’s plenty of flora and pathogens that exist and live in your gut that can cause problems if you ingest it orally.

        After all we all have e coli and breakouts do still happen.