The Conservatives have a 16-point lead. Three-quarters of the country think it’s time for a change. But Justin Trudeau is vowing to fight Pierre Poilievre in the next election.

  • The cons have been campaigning against Trudeau directly since the “nice hair” commercials so many years ago.

    We need this guy. He’s perfectly mundane, seems to dodge tan-suit controversy like Muhammad Ali, and, most importantly, he’s taught kids: nothing better prepares someone to handle elitist flacks like Bitcoin Milhouse than elementary school.

    And he’s the perfect filter for the NDP’s feel-good plan of the moment – a bidirectional filter. Mr Singh can propose something, WaterHole can resist and then dramatically give in, cons hate Justin, Orange hates Justin, Bleu always hates Justin, greens hate Justin; Canada hates Justin, and Justin doesn’t care.

    As a punching bag that holds the status quo in tough times against 4 flavours of snowflake? Chef’s kiss perfectly suited.