The Conservatives have a 16-point lead. Three-quarters of the country think it’s time for a change. But Justin Trudeau is vowing to fight Pierre Poilievre in the next election.

  •  rbesfe   ( ) 
    7 months ago

    Is it just me or has Global News really taken a turn to the right in the last few years? Maybe not as bad as NatPost, but still I thought they used to be more neutral than they are now.

  • The liberals are toast at this point in 2025, even if they switch leaders ahead of it. Nothing they can do will make things more affordable for voters prior to that election, and that’s going to be the number one reason people are voting.

    Probably a better long-term Liberal electoral strategy is for Justin to lose, resign quickly, and get replaced for the 2029 election than to have a new leader come in prior to the 2025 election and lose, and then have that same person try for 2029.

    Having a new leader for 3 years, and 4 years of people getting mad at the Conservatives for not actually improving things like they’ve been saying they can magically do is more likely to lead to a Liberal election success for that follow up election in 2029.

    Just my nickel.

  • The cons have been campaigning against Trudeau directly since the “nice hair” commercials so many years ago.

    We need this guy. He’s perfectly mundane, seems to dodge tan-suit controversy like Muhammad Ali, and, most importantly, he’s taught kids: nothing better prepares someone to handle elitist flacks like Bitcoin Milhouse than elementary school.

    And he’s the perfect filter for the NDP’s feel-good plan of the moment – a bidirectional filter. Mr Singh can propose something, WaterHole can resist and then dramatically give in, cons hate Justin, Orange hates Justin, Bleu always hates Justin, greens hate Justin; Canada hates Justin, and Justin doesn’t care.

    As a punching bag that holds the status quo in tough times against 4 flavours of snowflake? Chef’s kiss perfectly suited.

  •  Rentlar   ( ) 
    7 months ago

    The clock is ticking for Trudeau to turn things around.

    If his government can implement sweeping reforms to housing, transportation, labour rights, healthcare and pharmacare (which sounds like it’s coming next year), and actually take the many oligopolies to task (they haven’t done well enough on groceries and telecom yet), Trudeau and the Liberals will get my vote. Otherwise I’m leaning NDP.

    (All of it is a lot to ask for, but knocking at least one of the park to me will be a promising sign)

    • Yeah that’s the problem … I don’t think the Liberals will do anything against wealth or corporations because they’re all invested in each other.

      And all that needs to happen two months before the election is a huge conservative party marketing campaign ‘Fuck Trudeau’ bumper stickers and the country will usher in a conservative government with open arms.

      Then everyone will spend five to ten years belly aching about it all and switch back to liberal again.

      I’m an NDP supporter, always was and always will be, but unfortunately the country is way too short sighted and ignorant to ever want to change between red or blue which at this point in history much like the Americans, are two parties that are different only in name and colour.

      •  Rentlar   ( ) 
        7 months ago

        You’re absolutely right, it doesn’t take a fortune teller to see it.

        The best I can realistically expect is Trudeau will swing and miss on big changes next year like Ontario’s former Premier Wynne, that Canadians will at least be able to look fondly on after the next conservative government entirely removes the programs or weakens them heavily.

        It’s more likely that we’ll stick to the status quo and the Liberal party will scurry off into irrelevance for 4-10 years.

  • I’m not too knowledgeable of politics. As PM, is it actually Trudeau’s decision whether he’ll be the candidate next election and not a political equivalent of a Federal Liberal board of directors that’s pretty independent of the PMO?

  • Show up and vote non-Poilievre, people. Please.

    I implore you. Turnout is the lowest effort good thing you can do to help prevent a cycle of conservatism from wrecking the littlest good things there are to celebrate. It’s too tragic to observe this with ABC-driven municipalities right now, having that on federal level too will be too much.